Monday, January 2, 2012

Extra Curricular Activites Pt. 3 - The Mistress

And finally we come to the most important … “the Mistress”
This woman can come from anywhere at any time. She does not have a man of her own. In some cases she will want your man for herself, in any smart case… she knows better. This is “the other Woman” in your Man’s life. He is involved in the daily workings of her life and she in his. He pays her bills, takes her out and may even know her family.

            We’ve all seen it in the movies. The bombshell that big CEO Man is cheating on his wife with. He pays for her to have a condo near his office. Unlike you, she keeps her hair and nails done at all times. Her pu-na-ny stays waxed and ready for his visit.  He takes her out for nights on the town. He lies to his family to spend time with her. YES she really does exist. She’s your sister, Hair Dresser, Favorite Cashier at Nordstrom’s. The mistress’ of the world are living, breathing and operating right under your nose. Your Man’s Mistress may even be the girl you see every weekend working concession at your kids Basketball games. She is not made to stand out, she blends in well. That it is her job. She is the Woman that your Man thinks he loves on the days he’s mad at you. In some cases he may even actually love her. They spend QUALITY time together. Talking, eating and making love. He tells her about all the things you do that drive him crazy. In the middle of the night when you are up with a crying baby, he’s laying next to her telling her how he wishes they could run away together. He feeds her with the hope that one day he will leave you. He feeds you with the hope that there is no other “her” out there for him.

This mistress caters to your man. She cooks for him whenever he asks. She does his laundry and sucks his dick without him even having to think about it.  She’s quiet when his phone rings and she never asks whose on the other line. She knows her role and she plays it well. She knows that her one leg up over you is that her sole purpose is to minimize the stress in his life. He goes days without being able to see her and to make up for it she receives lavish gifts on the regular. She has no children, that makes her free and your Man loves that. She reminds him of what life was like before it got real. The mistress knows where you work and the names of all of your children… even the damn family gerbil. Not even because she’s so nosy but because your Man tells her all ya’ll damn business.  He trusts her and opens up to her probably more than he should. He lives with the fear of knowing that she could destroy him at any moment… but he trusts her not to. There is something so crucial that she provides it makes him willing to put his entire life on the line.

A smart Mistress will always want to keep this setup. You (the significant other) at home semi-happy. Your man stuck satisfied between both lives. And her pulling the strings. If the Mistress decides she wants your Man… it could mean you’re in for the fight of your life. If she’s smart… she’ll want you to keep him while she reaps the benefits.
Send the Mistress a Christmas Card because she the reason daddy didn’t leave you this year.

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